Tuesday 5 July 2016

Existing and Developing Technologies

Consumer Products

Technology has come along way, especially now we are in the 21st Century. Consumers now have a whole range of thing to record, make and produce their own media texts and films etc. Since the first mobile phone we now have built in 1080p cameras that come with smartphones which allow us to record high quality videos, sometimes even good enough for movie making. These phones and camera can come with their on software which allows you to edit and upload your videos straight from your mobile device. However new softwares have been shown to us such as Photoshop and Premiere Pro which allows movie editors and possibly directors to edit their footage in a programme, from here they can almost tweak any part of a clip to suit their need. New softwares are being developed everyday for film makers to use and to get the best out of their footage. This technology can be very un-reliable depending on which software or camera you buy, so you have to extra careful when purchasing these things. Softwares and cameras used in professional film making and TV are much more complex than ones we would use, however the things we have available to us allow the great potential of being a great film-maker.

Satellite and Cable

Satellite TV is easily disturbed by bad weather but in most cases cheaper than Cable television. it is fairly easy to install by companies such as BT and Sky and is available in any location that a dish can be positioned to face south. Television broadcasting companies convert television programmes into signals. These are then beamed to satellites, which, in turn, reflect it back to the earth, where they are gathered by dish antennas, installed by the cable operators. The cable operator then transmits these signals through the local cable network to your television. Cable television has a less likely chance to be interrupted/distorted by bad weather but is mostly certain to cost more than Satellite TV, Cable is also seen to be more efficient for people that are renting or staying in a house for temporary that do not want to commit themselves to a long-term contract. Cable TV is also provided by BT and Sky, also Virgin media and Talk Talk. These providers also offer numerous amount of deals for your landline and internet too such as fibre optic, they will do all they can to make you choose them over anyone else which is why they make up deals to benefit you the most.

Analogue and Digital

TV is currently broadcasted using digital technology ever since the digital switch over in 2012, it started in 2007 but not areas of the UK was fully switched at the same time. Digital TV produces a crystal clear image with no fading in picture quality or interference. This digital technology also allows TV stations to broadcast multiple channels with different programming. Analogue TV transmits audio and video signals over air waves, Each station uses only a single frequency which it broadcasts analogue signals. Analogue TV had a maximum of about 7 channels which really restricts your choice of being able to watch what you want, comparing this to digital you can sometimes have around 1000 channels and even more, giving you endless limitations of what to view without ever not knowing what to see .These signals usually get noisy, annoying static sounds which interrupts the current programme you want to view, maybe even colour and brightness issues. Overall digital television is a much better experience for viewing programmes on TV.

Internet and Interactive

Since the beginning of the internet we have been introduced with so many ways to watch films other than going to the cinema or watching a DVD. It has now become so easy to get hold of films to watch via on demand and other online streaming websites, also many others. We have Netflix, Amazon Prime and loads of other online based content which is legal to watch movies and Television series' at our disposal, on demand is another legal way to watch content but more so television programmes, maybe ones that you have missed. You can now get on demand through your TV and the internet, opening up more ways to watch what you desire. But there is also the other side of the internet which is illegal to watch movies, such as torrenting and illegal online streaming. The producers can end up losing tonnes of revenue from online piracy but can end up with their movie getting extremely popular and receiving great reviews. It has been estimated that in 2011 that online torrent sites had been visited 53 billion times in that on year! and 32% of the torrents downloaded were movies. Illegal movie watching is becoming greater and greater which is slightly worrying, however the majority still watches movies and television online legally plus cinema audience figures are rising. Users are also able to interact with this online content with small hand-held devices such as smartphones and tablets. this allows access to internet based media wherever you go such as watching films or catching up on TV, however this can result in people having easier access to illegally pirate or record media to upload to the internet for people to download.

High Definition and 3D

TV's at this present age are mostly all high definition, this means the overall image definition on the screen is much better quality as well as the audio. This is a giant leap from old standard televisions which presented us with pixelated quality and terrible static audio. Cinemas also have these crystal clear screens to increase the audience immersion with the movie, creating a whole better experience for the film they are watching. Cinema screens and normal televisions can go up to 4K quality which is extremely crisp, enhancing every little detail you can see. Cinemas also feature 3D and IMAX 3D which are a step up in visual technology. To view films with this feature does cost extra but is in most cases definitely worth it. However televisions are also stepping up their game as we have been introduced to 3D television sets so we can enjoy the whole 3D experience right in our homes. The 3D glasses used by passive 3D TVs are just like those used in the theater and do not require any power. Each lens in the glasses is polarized to let a different image through, one horizontal and one vertical. When each eye sees a slightly different version of the same combined frame, the illusion of 3D is created.

Pay-per view, On-demand, Streaming Content and Digital Recorders

In most cases where people miss certain TV shows they have missed, they will use on-demand. This allows you to watch a selection of programmes or films that have recently been shown for a chance to catch up, mostly useful to catch up on an episode from a series or a Soap etc. You are able to watch on-demand from your computer or any mobile device or you TV for example with a YouView box. a digital box like YouView also allows you to digitally record programmes or films that might be showing when you know you can't watch them. For YouView to record a programme you just have to simply press one button and it will save the record in the hub of the menu, which is easily accessible. SKY & Virgin boxes for example have a Pay per view system where to watch a certain programme you need to pay a one off cost to view it, this usually happens with some boxing matches. Your payment counts for the whole duration of that programme then once it's over you will not be able to continue watching. Streaming content is now becoming more of an illegal thing rather than legal, people are having access to numerous sites which allows them to view films and videos that have been recorded or uploaded illegally, losing producers revenue on their films. However you can still stream films and programmes from websites using subscriptions to various websites like Netflix and Amazon Prime.



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