Wednesday 20 January 2016

TV Advertisement Evaluation

Evaluation: PG Tips Advert Re-brand

As a group we efficiently met the topic brief to create an advert re-branded to a different audience, for us this was teenagers. I believe we successfully re-branded our advert to a new target audience allowing them to see it and actually consider buying the product. Our advert features teenage students making cups of tea, showing how quick and easy it is to make for students that don't have much time to prepare treats for themselves. We managed to involve product placement throughout the whole advert to help sell the product even more.

During filming we had many ups and downs which we had to overcome, this set back our time for filming leaving us racing against time in getting everything filmed in time for the editing stage. These mistakes included forgetting to bring the PG Tips to the filming locations, having the wrong class SD card and many other things. Although the setbacks, we carried on with the filming until we got everything finished, however the first shot we recorded of me (Liam) had a few difficulties. We were going to record it using a shoulder mount to get the most effective steady shot, however when we figured out that we needed to put in onto the worktop we found that there was no way of un-mounting it and placing it down smoothly. So we came to the final decision that Charlie would hold the camera as steady as he would with his hands, then later in the editing software we would add warp-stabilizer. Whilst trying to perfect this effect we had some issues with it looking wobbly but eventually fixed the problems leaving it looking at a professional standard. Because we had to record the exact same position in each kitchen we had to try our hardest to keep the camera in the same place, this required us to keep small pieces of string that would measure as accurate as we could to keep the camera the same distance away form the PG Tips and kettle etc. in each shot.

Whilst playing the final video back I really think that the music worked well with the scenario, the acoustic soundtrack really fits with the organic colours throughout the whole advert. The only downside to the advert is that the speed is kind of slow, I would of personally preferred a much faster speed to make it more engaging overall, however as it was voted on a group decision we went with the slower speed idea.

In terms of mise en scene we went for a vibrant coloured environment to highlight that tea brings happiness to teenagers when they make/drink it. We thought that the bright colours would give a positive emotion to the audience whilst they watch it, keeping them engaged throughout the whole advert. We decided to wear our casual clothing to

The sound we used for the advert was not the raw sound files that were with the original clips. To emphasize the making of the tea we decided to fill the ad with tonnes of sound effects bringing each clip to life, as the sounds that were used in the footage were too bland and had a lot of white noise that could not be unheard. We were originally going to use a fast paced shutter effect in editing that would effectively show every person making tea until the final sip, but once we brought everything together in Adobe Premiere we came to a decision that we would just use slower cuts to assert the main parts during the making of the tea. The final shot was of the mug being placed down onto the worktop with a voice over pronouncing our slogan "Putting the tea in teanager". We used Adobe Photoshop to design the graphics for the slogan with the logo which we then put onto the last shot, this was of an elegant style which suited to mood perfectly.

The way we shot the advert really has a professional look to it as all shots flow nicely with one another and continuity works perfectly. Our advert also commits to the BCAP code very well as we do not provoke any bad behavior to anyone under the age of 18 and do not offend any religion in any way or form. This makes our advert appropriate for anyone viewing it which allows us to attract any audience, but in our case, preferably teenagers. We didn't follow the storyboard exactly, but we did keep most shots that were on there, just adding a few more along the way. We were not able to follow the production schedule completely either as we had trouble accessing one of the house we were going to film in, this delayed our filming meaning we had to re-schedule for another day.

Other than this, everything went to plan and was ready to hand in before the deadline date set. If we had a chance to re-do the project I would like to be more prepared in terms of bringing all the equipment to every shoot without forgetting anything. It would also be really good if we had the chance to record our own SFX to add instead of downloading royalty-free sounds from Regarding my involvement in the project, I was mostly in charge of the editing of the advert, although it was a group effort and everyone managed to put in an equal amount of effort to get the job done. However, overall I am really pleased with the outcome and think I have achieved a grade that matches my target, hopefully even higher.

After showing the advert to people of a variety of different ages, teenagers believed that it was aimed specifically for them. due to the visual style, music and ending slogan for the advertisement. Someone commented "It has a clear demographic and will appeal to them well due to the actors used". We were all very happy with the feedback as it came across very clearly, therefore we successfully completed the assignment brief.








*Most people have a high score rating for our advert as they found the cinematography was very planned out, the music is really enjoyable and Toby's voice at the end sounding really convincing and professional. Someone else said it has a really clear demographic and appeals well to our targeted audience.

*The question where we asked which age group do you think we aimed our advert at, most people said it was for people aged around 15 to people in their 20's, so we have successfully managed to produce are advert which our specified audience.

*90% of people said that they were enticed throughout the whole advert, whereas the other 10% got slightly bored 3/4 of the way through.

*For the last question we asked for way in which people think it could be improved:
-Short Duration
-More information the PG Tips
-It is great the way it is
-Doesn't need to to improved
-Wider variety of camera angles

This was great that we got some great feedback, we will definitely take this into consideration if we get a chance to re-edit the advertisement.

*For question 8 we asked if the product was clearly advertised, everyone agreed that it did, and therefore we got 100% positive feedback for this question.

*We got some mixed feedback from question 6. We haven't really made it extremely visible why PG Tips is better than other tea companies which is something we could of focused on more than other minor things that didn't need to be dealt with. However a lot of people did agree that it made them want to buy PG Tips more which means are advert successfully sold itself to most of our audience.

*Overall the feedback we recieved was very pleasing as it tells us that our advert was very successful for most of the people we aimed it at, we have discovered that we do need some areas of improvement, but apart from that everything worked really well. If we could re-do the project we will definitely reflect on our negative responses to make the advert great to watch for everyone in our audience range.

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