Monday 2 November 2015

Reflection of DepicT Short and pre-production process

During the pre-production stage I most of all enjoyed the storyboarding as we could all come together as a group and share ideas about filming our movie. This helped expand our thoughts on how the film would look and how we wanted the end product to look like. Agreeing on everything that was down on the storyboard we decided to carry on with the rest of the pre-production work in time for shooting. The thing I enjoyed the least about pre-production was writing out the risk assessment sheet, we had to make many alterations to this sheet as when finishing it we then found other risks that we may come to contact with. We were relieved once this was complete as we could then focus on shooting the movie with hopefully no-one being at danger.

Getting into costume and acting in front of the camera were the strongest elements within this task as everyone thought ahead about what to wear on production dates and were at their most confident points when acting. This made the whole movie a whole lot better as everyone performed their best on the day of filming our movie. On some of our productions dates were unprepared, as in, we forgot to take some of the equipment to the location so when we arrived certain members had to return to collect them for shooting. This meant we had much less time to film, making us feel like we had to rush to get things done. If we could do this task again I would definitely like to be more prepared on the dates where we would film.

Through the process of pre-production we were able to accurately plan out everything that would be included within the movie, without all of the sheets we produced whilst planning we wouldn't of been able to produce a film of such a high standard. ensuring we brought along all essential paperwork to shooting days meant we could get everything we wanted to get done, done. Pre-production also helped us communicate with each other better which made us stronger as a group. Without doing any of this planning will probably mean your movie won't be as successful as a movie with planning and pre-production work.

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