Tuesday 10 November 2015

Lynx: Advert Analysis

Lynx - Even Angels Will Fall

This advert tries to sell the fact that by applying the deodorant, girls will fall for you. The advert hypnotizes the audience into thinking that they need to buy it as they will get a girlfriend. It starts with darker lighting to emphasis the mans depression that he doesn't have a girl. However when the angels fall from the sky, the scene gets brighter to show the lynx deodorant makes everything better, giving a bright positive of why to purchase Lynx and not any other deodorant brand. The rays of sunshine shows that beyond the negative atmosphere, there is a bright future for the character featured in the advert. Symbolising positivity.

The advert has establishing shots to capture lots of other angel falling from the sky to emphasise how many women will notice your presence once you apply their deodorant. The girls in the advert are represented as more of a sex object as they are seen wearing short skirts and low cut tops, this shows the typical way men are attracted to women. Their product (deodorant) is promoted in such a way of sex appeal, to seem as if you will immediately get attention from the opposite sex, or whichever sex it may be.

Towards the end of the advert, the women take of their halo's and throws them to the floor and all look at each other with a mischievous smiles as there are about to approach the man in what seems to be in a 'sexual' way. The halo's on the women instantly tells us that they have came from heaven, made for us to think that by wearing lynx you will attract the most beautiful women, this is a great example of iconography. You won't just attract any particular woman, only the greatest - this is the message they are trying to give us. The smashing of the halos, which suggests these angels are willing to give up heaven purely to be with this great smelling male is also appealing. This builds on previous Lynx ads that suggest those who use Lynx will attract beautiful women.

The main target audience for this product is males aged around 16 - 24 years old which is reasonable as the advert conveys a sexual meaning towards men and women, this particular advert is a stand-alone as no other adverts have continued on from this in the future. the director of this ad has chosen an intense style to fit the mood with the angels falling from the sky. The advert successfully attracts it audience by making it seem like you will attract women by wearing it, by having a dramatic start to it engages people instantly making them want to see what happens which will then easily get over the message about lynx's deodorant. The build up for this ad and many of their other ads plays an important part and leaves the viewer puzzled as to what will happen.

As mentioned before, this advertisement highly focuses on sex appeal between men and women, even more so when we see the women have mischievous smiles and then it cuts to a man in his bedroom, somehow I do not think this is a coincidence. The lighting is quite low key to compensate the intense/dramatic atmosphere and then gradually gets lighter when the angels start to appear, the lighting then goes back to normal once the shot in the bedroom happens as we get taken back to the real world and are withdrawn from the fantasy of what you think will happen.

The continuity has flowed well throughout as there are no obvious or any mistakes that can be visually seen to the audience, some adverts fail to follow continuity making their advert a complete fail for success. At the end of the advert once it cuts to the man applying Lynx in his bedroom, the music quickly cuts to give a comedic ending, the noise of the angel hitting his house also gives another humorous reaction for the audience. The sky in the advert has been edited to add sun rays from the clouds, this is to give it a holy feel as the angels are appearing out of the sky.

AIDA is an acronym used in marketing and advertising which stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. This helps marketing managers develop effective communication strategies and communicate with customers in a way that better responds to their needs and desires.

Attention - The dramatic music at the start instantly grabs the audiences attention as they begin to ask all sorts of questions to themselves; What's this about, Who's it for, What's going to happen etc. Then slightly on from this, the angels start falling out of the sky which is a unique visual added to make people enticed and want to carry on watching until the end. Whatever is shown at the start is the most important as you want your viewer to stay engaged throughout the whole advert. This is proven successful in the Lynx advert with its extremely intriguing beginning.

Interest -  This advert definitely interests the audience once you see that it is something to do with the connection between male and females. We don't see anything that relates to deodorant at this point, however "interest" is all about keeping the audience engaged until the finish of the advert. So when we see the women throwing their halo's to the floor, this creates boosted engrossment to see what is actually being sold. The consistent score which plays during the whole advert also helps keep the audience pinned to the screen.

Desire -  This is the stage where the advert stokes the flames of the audience's desire until the point they are absolutely certain they have to have what the advertisement is selling (Lynx deodorant). The whole idea of the advert convinces the audience that they aren't to be without it. Constantly pursuing the message that "Angels will fall" makes the consumer believe that women are to be more attracted to them once they buy and apply it. Desire can be stoked by many other methods, one being the Scarcity Principle, but there are also many others.

Action - By this point the advert would have attracted the audiences attention, built their interest and fanned their desire. This is then followed by leading the customers towards purchasing the product, in the Lynx advert nothing is stated about the product itself until the very end, at this point we then have the official name of the deodorant and a slogan to help promote it and be recognised for. As soon as the consumer sees the name of the product they will either go down to a shop to buy it or search for it online, either way there has to be something allowing the audience to get their hands on what you're selling. As just said, with the Lynx advert all is displayed is their brand name and slogan, this is most likely because they are already is big company and known by most people who the deodorant is aimed at.

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